Take a unique look into the day in the life of a copywriter, where above all content and creativity, curiosity reigns key.
Since I became a copywriter last year, the same questions keep coming up.
“What is a copywriter exactly?”
“I understand you’re a writer of sorts, but what do you write about?”
And honestly, it took me a few weeks at least to compose decent answers.
So before being driven into an existential crisis, I’ll explain copywriting in the way I know best – writing it down!
What’s the purpose of copywriting?
The purpose of copywriting is to use the written word as a tool of persuasion. Ideally, persuading people to invest in something. Be it a product, service, or brand story. You name it.
Whether it’s through informative language or creative storytelling, someone is selling something, and they want help selling it.
The job of the copywriter is to help businesses sell whatever they’re selling in various forms of writing, from an informative 3,000-word blog to a 100-word social media post.
Unless I wish to specialise, my skill as a copywriter is to master all mediums. One by one, I aim to add each method and style to my writing arsenal.
And when I say “sell”, broaden your definition to include more than just products and services. Think personalities, ideas, stories, etc.
Because depending on the client, there are lots of ways of ‘selling’, and lots of things that ‘sell’.
In a way, we’re a bit like salespeople or promoters without the Terry Tibbs shtick but a passion for storytelling.
Day-to-day copywriter jobs
Each copywriting job depends on the content itself, dictated by the client for the intended platform or publication.
A list of copywriter jobs might include:
- Social media posts
- SEO website content
- Blogs and articles
- Emails/newsletters
- Brochures
- White papers
- Scripts
So, as you can see, the types of content will vary from client to client, industry to industry.
There are also many aspects to a day in the life of a copywriter that goes beyond just writing things. Here are just a handful of the most common copywriting jobs:
SEO (Search engine optimisation) research
Using SEO software helps copywriters identify keywords relevant to our clients so we can help them start ranking higher on search engines.
Applying SEO copywriting techniques to content helps increase web visibility. (It’s the key reason 69% of marketers invest in SEO.)
Most marketing agencies employ SEO specialists specifically to help inform their content creators about keyword opportunities. However, a good copywriter will have a solid understanding of SEO best practices before starting a project.
Client Research
From products to services and industries to competitors, our research is essential to feed the content we create.
Frankly, without thorough research, authoritative content is not a possibility. We also aim to include quality links within our copy to help stamp our content with credibility and to encourage people to visit other pages of a website. We call these external linking and internal linking. Again, incorporating these elements into a piece of digital web content or blog is great for SEO.
Based on keyword and long-tail keyword findings from SEO research or the latest trends, the next job will be structuring the content ready for writing. For blog and website content, this includes mapping out the header and sub-headers. And for social media, this could be a matter of planning topics and sticking to a hook, context, and call to action format on every post.
The biggest job for a copywriter is the writing part. (No surprises there.) This part of the process is where we combine all the research and planning with a bit of creative flair.
Now, it’s time to refine the masterpiece. At this stage, it’s best to be concise, lose what we don’t need, look for repetitive words, phrases or syntax and spot any bad grammar.
Key copywriter skills required to be s**t hot at our jobs
Completing each copy writing job requires the necessary skills:
After being assigned a brief for/from your client, unless you’re a walking, talking encyclopedia, you’re going to have to conduct some research so you can gain a confident understanding of:
- Who they are?
- What do they do?
- How do they do it?
- Why do they do it?
I’ll let you into a little secret, identifying the why is the key to success. But (typically) it’s the trickiest to answer.
Finding out the answer to – “why a brand exists in the first place” – grants us the all-important USP we need to fuel the writing process and give our content purpose.
And yes, we hope for something more inspiring than just “paying the bills” or “making money”.
Personally, having an academic background has helped my research ability. As a former English Literature student, I like to think I mastered the skill of analysing a text for what it’s worth, dissecting the good and the bad through critical thinking, before translating my opinions (as objectively as possible) clearly on paper.
No one can write good copy without some knowledge of what they’re writing. It would be like asking someone to recite a book they haven’t read. I’ve seen that in seminars before, and it only goes one way – the end.
I don’t need to become an expert on every subject I write about. But I need to have a good idea. So, I try to research in small manageable chunks. With the nature of a fast-paced digital content marketing agency, why waste valuable time reading something I don’t need? However interesting it might be.
It helps to see it as an abstraction exercise. Section by section, I ask myself:
- What’s the relevant information I need for this piece?
- What statistic can support this paragraph?
At Content Chef, we have a diverse range of clients, so the research becomes a plus of the job.
Because I’m finding out new things all the time. From cyber-security to recruitment, I’m learning more each day and gradually becoming a valued member of my pub quiz team. (Finally!)
Once the research is underway, the purpose is to take the words (copy) and turn them into something that, as a minimum:
- Engages the reader
And as a maximum:
- Transforms the reader into a consumer
When writing, I’ll always look to touch upon what problems the client can solve for the reader. And ultimately, why it’s beneficial for the reader to engage with your brand.
We don’t achieve this phenomenon by simply saying, “BUY THIS.” Anyone can do that.
Before we write, we must adopt the client’s tone of voice (TOV).
Yes, this is another essential requirement of the job.
Imagine watching Planet Earth, and Attenborough’s narration has swapped into the voice of Peter Kay. Funny as this might be, it doesn’t fit the script.
At this stage, the writer within sheds its skin to become a vibrant, fluttering copywriter. Because what should become apparent during your research is understanding how your client wishes to communicate.
What is their TOV?
Now, this is where I leave the old ego at the door. It’s not about me anymore. It's about you and your consumer and how I can add value to that relationship.
And crucially, this part is where I prove myself as a copywriter. Not a columnist.
Thirdly, it’s about mentality. I like to think of copywriting as being an actor. At Content Chef, we talk about the process of having to wear many different hats.
Articulating ideas, messages, and visions for our clients require getting into the heads of their consumers. Copywriting is a psychological test more than anything else. A bit like mind reading.
In the morning, I’m playing the role of a business coach in the style of social media posts. After lunch, I’m playing the part of a digital marketing agency in a long-form blog. Before the end of the day, I might slip into my final character– a computer scientist describing their brand story for a website’s ‘About’ page.
The point is there are many ways of thinking and speaking across various industries and disciplines. The challenge is to find that voice distinctive from the last that encompasses the client and engages their audience.
Like an actor playing multiple roles, day in and day out. It’s fun and interesting, but also challenging.
Because that once sacred intrinsic writing voice (which is probably the reason why most writers write in the first place) needs to accept more voices are coming into work.
Lastly, to answer, “what makes a copywriter?” It helps to be curious.
Curious to learn, investigate, and think differently.
Curious to wear someone else’s shoes and explore the uninhabited.
Without curiosity, I don’t think a copywriter can reach their full potential. As a trait, it enables us to uncover more trends, understand clients and consumers on deeper levels, and drive our writing to reach greater engagement.
So, above all else, I’d say curiosity is key to copywriting (with the ability to research, write, edit, etc.)
After all, curiosity feeds my creativity, motivation to learn, and eagerness to write.
Tell me something interesting, and I’ll try to make it exciting for everyone.
So, to finally answer the interrogation into my role as a copywriter. It’s a bit of everything I just wrote about and everything else I’m yet to learn.
Speak to a team of expert copywriters in Cheltenham
A day in the life of a copywriter is no picnic. The good news is you don’t have to go it alone. As a leading copywriting and digital content marketing agency in Cheltenham, we specialise in various forms of content writing.
So, if you’re interested in our copywriting services, get in touch with us today.
Written by Archie Edwards